坂倉杏介,保井俊之,白坂成功,前野隆司,「共同行為における自己実現の段階モデル」による「地域の居場所」の来場者の行動分析:東京都港区「芝の家」を事例に,地域活性研究,Vol. 4, 2013年3月,pp. 23-30
Ockie J. H. Bosch, Nam C. Nguyen, Takashi Maeno and Toshiyuki Yasui, Managing Complex Issues through Evolutionary Learning Laboratories, Systems Research and Behavioral Science,2013年2月,pp. 116-135
麻生陽平,白坂成功,保井俊之,前野隆司,2×2欲求マトリクス-心理的価値に基づく利他的コンセプト創出法-,日本創造学会論文誌,Vol. 16,2013年2月,pp.
牧野由梨恵,白坂成功,牧野泰才,前野隆司,欲求連鎖分析(人々の欲求の多様性を考慮した社会システムの分析・設計手法),日本機械学会論文集C編,Vol. 78, No. 785, 2012年1月,pp.
Toshiyuki Yasui, A New Systems-Engineering Approach for a Socio-Critical
System: A Case Study of Claims-Payment Failures of the Japan’s Insurance
Industry , International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Systems
Engineering Journal Vol.14 No.4, 2011年12月, pp.349-363
津々木晶子, 保井俊之, 白坂成功, 神武直彦,システムズ・アプローチによる住民選好の数量化・見える化: 中心市街地の新しい政策創出の方法論,関東都市学会年報,第13号,2011年10月,
中島庸介, 保井俊之, 神武直彦,オープンソース・インテリジェンスの競争分析への活用の戦略的枠組み: テキスト・マイニングによる日本の製薬業界の2010年問題におけるM&A情報分析を事例として,日本コンペティティブ・インテリジェンス学会インテリジェンスマネジメント,Vol.3,
No1, 2011年9月, pp.15-26
Naohiko Kohtake, Takashi Maeno, Hidekazu Nishimura and Yoshiaki Ohkami,
Graduate Education for Multi-Disciplinary System Design and Management
?Developinf Leaders of Large-Scale Complex System Design and Management,
Synthesiology ? English Edition, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2010年9月, pp. 124-139
保井俊之,我が国プロスポーツにおけるコンペティティブ・インテリジェンス導入の萌芽: その動機・選好に関するAHPによる定量評価,日本コンペティティブ・インテリジェンス学会インテリジェンスマネジメント,Vol.2,
No1, 2010年9月,, pp.3-16
3,No. 2,2010年5月, pp. 112-126
Takashi Maeno, Toshiyuki Yasui, Seiko Shirasaka and Ockie Bosch, Social System Design using Models of Social and Human Mind Network-CVCA, WCA and Bayesian Network Modeling, International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, July 2012, San Francisco, USA
Toshiyuki Yasui, Motoshi Kanke, Seiko Shirasaka and Takashi Maeno, Fostering Fukushima's Future: Grass-Rooted Policy Design in Post-Disaster Japan by Participatory Systems Analysis, Third International Engineering Systems Symposium, June 2012, Delft, Netherland
Yoshinobu Soda, Toshiyuki Yasui, Takashi Maeno and Seiko Shirasaka, 'Policy Design Workshop: Collaborative Design Methodology Architecting for the Future Public Policies', Proc. 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering (APCOSE2012), May 2012, Brisbane, Australia
Hiroyuki Yagita, Akira Tose, Madoka
Nakajima, Sun K. Kim and Takashi Maeno, A Validation Regarding Effectiveness of
Scenario Graph, Proc. ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences, August 2011, Washington, USA
Takashi Maeno, Yurie Makino, Seiko Shirasaka, Yasutoshi Makino and Sun
K. Kim, Wants Chain Analysis: Human-Centered Method for Analyzing and Designing
Social Systems, Proc. International Conference on Engineering Design, August
2011, pp. 302-310, Copenhagen, Demark
Koichi Takahashi and Takashi Maeno, The Causal SWOT Analysis using Systems
Thinking -A Tool for Situational Analysis Workshop, Proc. 55th Annual Conference
of the International Society of System Sciences, 2011, CD-ROM, Hull, UK
Madoka Nakajima, Hiroyuki Yagita and Shoichi Sasaki, System Design Approach
Derives a New Type of Insurance, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business and Technology
Transfer (ICBTT2010), pp130-135
Sun K. Kim, Shinichiro Haruyama, Takashi
Maeno, Tetsuya Toma and Yoshiaki Ohkami, Preliminary Validation of Scenario-based
Design for Amorphous Systems, 20th INCOSE International Symposium, July 2010,
Chicago, USA
Naohiko Kohtake, Takashi Maeno, Hidekazu
Nishimura and Yoshiaki Ohkami, Graduate Program in Multi-Disciplinary System
Design and Management, 20th INCOSE International Symposium, July 2010, Chicago,
Toshiyuki Yasui, ‘ZEN: The Self-Elicitation Method of Requirements for
Public Policy Designers’, 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering
(APCOSE 2010), Keelung, Taiwan, Proceedings, Paper# 274, USB Memory
Akihiro Sakaedani and Toshiyuki Yasui, ‘Inter-Element Relations in the
Configured System: Second Dimension of the System Complexity from the Case
Study of the Japan’s ANIME Industry’, 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Systems
Engineering (APCOSE 2010), Keelung, Taiwan, Proceedings, Paper# 272, USB
Memory, October 2010
Toshiyuki Yasui, Seiko Shirasaka, Naohiko Kohtake, Akiko Tsutsuki, ‘Creating
Community Commons: A Systems-Approach to Re-vitalize Declined Rural Towns’,
Proceedings, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering (APCOSE2011),
Seoul, Korea, October 19-21, 2011
Sun K. Kim, Whitfield Fowler, Kosuke Ishii and Takashi Maeno, Tools
for Project-based Active Learning of Amorphous Systems Design: Scenario
Prototyping and Cross Team Peer Evaluation, Proc. ASME 2009 International
Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2009, San Diego, USA
Kosuke Ishii, Olivier de Weck, Shinichiro Haruyama, Takashi Maeno, Sun
K. Kim, and Whitfield Fowler, Active Learning Project Sequence: Capstone
Experience for Multi-disciplinary System Design and Management Education,
Proc. International Conference on Engineering Design, 2009, pp. 57-68,
Palo Alto, USA
Seiko Shirasaka, A Standard Approach To Find Out Multiple View Points to
Describe an Architecture of Social Systems-Designing Better Payment Architecture
To Solve Claim-Payment Failures Of Japan’s Insurance Companies -, 19th
INCOSE International Symposium, July 2009, Singapore
Toshiyuki Yasui, Claim-Payment Failures of Japan’s Insurance Companies
and Designing Better Payment Architecture: Finding a Standard Solution
to Socio-Critical Systems by Applying the System Engineering Vee Model
Approach (First Report), International Council on System Engineering (INCOSE)
2009, Singapore
仲谷正史,筧康明,白土寛和,前野隆司,他,視×触 視ること、触れること、感じること(テクタイル―未来社会のための触体験デザイン),慶應義塾大学アート・センター/booklet